Wisdom Teeth Removal In Carmichael, CA


Taking the Best Course of Action

The third molars, which typically begin to show up in the late teens or early twenties, are traditionally referred to as wisdom teeth. Sometimes, they erupt normally and take their place without causing any discomfort or more serious problems. However, when they are poorly positioned or misaligned, usually the best course of action is extraction. 

Wisdom tooth extraction can eliminate problems and complications associated with these poorly positioned teeth. It is often necessary to rule out serious problems that can be caused by these teeth, including damage to nearby teeth or supporting bone. For that reason, early removal of wisdom teeth is the best course of action for a person as soon as x-rays reveal the presence of poorly positioned teeth. 

Learn more about wisdom tooth extraction and how our experienced and caring dental team can help you.


Identifying Potential Issues with Wisdom Teeth

It is not uncommon for a person’s wisdom teeth to be positioned in such a way that they cannot erupt through the gums normally. As many as 80% of people lack the room in their jaws to permit the normal positioning of these third molars while they are in their developmental stages. These teeth may be angled towards or away from the teeth next to them. In some cases, while they are still under the gums, they can be in a completely horizontal position. They may even be embedded in the bone of the jaw. 

You may hear a dentist refer to an
impacted wisdom tooth. That term simply refers to a tooth that can’t emerge from the gums normally. As you saw above, this impact can take several different forms. While you usually hear this term used to describe wisdom teeth, there are other teeth that can become impacted as well. 

Dentists routinely take detailed x-rays during a patient’s teenage years to determine the condition, position and growth stage of third molars. It is better to extract a wisdom tooth that will have no chance of erupting normally before it has a chance to create pain, infections and other problems. 

When wisdom teeth can’t completely move into the right position, they still tend to move upwards as much as they can and then stop. For many people, this means that there can be a flap of gum partially covering these teeth. Food particles and bacteria can get trapped under these flaps. A young person may notice that the area around their wisdom teeth goes through a repeating cycle of becoming painful and infected. This infection can be treated with antibiotics but the complete handling must include wisdom teeth extraction.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

A dentist is examining a model of a person 's teeth in front of an x-ray.

There are several problems that can be caused by impacted wisdom teeth if they are not removed. Some of these problems can take many years to develop. 

  1. They can damage the roots of adjacent teeth by pressing on them
  2. An inability to keep partially-erupted teeth clean can lead to decay
  3. Nearby teeth may be crowded and pushed out of their proper positions
  4. Impacted teeth can cause swelling, pain and an inability to fully open the jaw
  5. Gum infections are more common, as mentioned above
  6. Cysts can form around impacted teeth and these cysts can also damage nearby teeth
  7. A few people may form benign tumors near an impacted tooth

Cysts, infections, decay and tumors can all damage the bone of the jaw. If this bone is damaged, bone grafting may be needed to repair it and save the other teeth. This grafting would take place after the wisdom teeth have been extracted. 

If these teeth cannot emerge normally, your dentist will explain the situation and how extraction works. It is usually recommended that this procedure is done in the late teens or early twenties when the roots of the teeth are still forming and the bone that supports them is less dense.

The first step of wisdom teeth removal is thorough numbing of the area. What most people feel during an extraction is lots of pressure but little pain. If the tooth can be reached with the dentist’s extraction tools, it may be able to be rocked back and forth until it loosens enough to be extracted. This is the way a normal tooth is extracted. 

The more a wisdom tooth is embedded in the bone of the jaw, the more a person could need oral and maxillofacial (related to the jaw and face) surgery to remove the tooth. As noted, it is possible for a wisdom tooth to be completely covered by bone. In that case, the dentist will make an incision in the gum and remove a minimal portion of the jaw bone. Then, the dentist can actually cut the tooth apart so it can be removed in pieces through the small incision. This procedure is called sectioning. Because of the small incision, sectioning minimizes the size of the incision and therefore reduces the healing process after the extraction. Sectioning can enable even a horizontally-positioned wisdom tooth to be removed through a small incision. 

The tooth’s roots also have a bearing on the complexity of extracting this tooth. If a tooth’s roots are not fully formed, it will be easier to extract. This is one of the best reasons to remove a tooth as soon as a problem is confirmed by x-ray. Curved roots will make wisdom tooth removal more complicated.

Best Dentist in Carmichael

When you are going to experience surgery to remove wisdom teeth, the skill of your dentist makes a big difference. There are multiple benefits to you if you will take the time to choose a highly skilled dentist with plenty of experience. 

The more skilled the dentist, the less they will disturb the area around the tooth being removed. The less this other tissue is disturbed, the faster you will heal. There is also a good chance that you could experience less discomfort during the healing process. 

When you are treated by a superior dentist, that dentist has been through this procedure with many patients before you. They know exactly how to help you stay as comfortable and relaxed as possible. It makes the procedure much easier for you when your dentist keeps you informed of every step in the process and is interested in how you are doing and your comfort level.

In today’s dentistry, too many people feel rushed when they visit their dental offices. They may feel a little bit like their dentist is more concerned with procedures than with their patients. At Carmichael Smiles, Dr. Gurkamal Sandhu and her staff are dedicated not only to your dental health but also to your comfort and peace of mind while you are in their care. Here, you can feel well cared for as an individual while Dr. Sandhu and her staff take care of your teeth. No one likes to go through oral surgery, so Dr. Sandhu will do everything possible to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. 

At Carmichael Smiles, we provide general, cosmetic, restorative and emergency dentistry services for the residents of Folsom, Granite Bay and Carmichael. We can also serve patients from North Highlands, Rocklin and Citrus Heights, CA. 

Dr. Sandhu offers a wide range of dental services from bone grafting to restoration of dental implants for tooth replacement, and from oral and maxillofacial surgery to treatment for gum infection. We love to care for patients of all ages in our office. 

We look forward to seeing you in our office located at 
6600 Madison Ave #5, Carmichael, CA 95608. From Carmichael, CA 95608, we are just a few miles away on the other side of Interstate 80.

Whether you need preventative care or restoration of dental implants, or if you are searching for “wisdom teeth near me” online, you have found the best dentist for your care. To schedule an appointment, please contact the office of Dr. Gurkamal Sandhu at 
(916) 966-9017 in Carmichael, CA. 

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