3 Benefits Of Regular Dental Cleaning
GKS Family Dentistry • February 16, 2022

Whether you work from home, in a cubicle, or interact with people, discover three benefits of regular dental cleaning.

Dentist in Roseville CA, Dentist Roseville CA, dental cleaning

About 25.9% of adults have untreated dental caries that are impacting their oral and overall health. Meanwhile, only 63% of adults have visited a dentist in the past year!

Adults even do a better job of taking their children in for routine cleanings.

When was the last time you visited your dentist in Roseville, CA? Here are three reasons you should schedule a routine dental cleaning today. Understanding these benefits can help you prioritize your smile in 2022.

Otherwise, you might not realize there are serious issues with your oral health until it's too late.

Don't let it come to that! Read on to discover the top reasons you need to visit the best dentist in Roseville, CA immediately. 

1. Improve Your Oral Health

Scheduling a routine dental cleaning with your dentist in Roseville, CA can help benefit your oral health. Improving your oral health can benefit your overall health. Otherwise, bacteria could lead to serious health problems.

Here are a few ways a deep dental cleaning can boost your oral health this year. 

Prevent Cavities

Routine brushing and flossing help remove food particles from your mouth. Otherwise, bacteria and lingering food particles can mingle. Your risk of developing a cavity could increase as a result.

Scheduling an appointment with your Roseville, CA dentist can help prevent cavities.

Without routine check-ups, you might not realize plaque is forming. Plaque is a sticky substance that will cling to the surface of your teeth. It can hide between your teeth, too.

When you fail to brush plaque away, it can produce acid. It's then able to erode a tooth's protective enamel.

Once you begin losing tooth enamel, you can't grow it back.

Over time, a cavity could form and begin creating holes within your teeth. A cavity might even destroy an entire tooth.

Cavities can lead to other oral health issues as well. For example, an infection or tooth abscess could develop over time. 

Infections can spread into the bloodstream and threaten your longevity.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist in Roseville if you notice signs of a cavity, including:

To prevent a cavity from forming in the first place, visit your dentist every six months.

Otherwise, plaque can harden into tartar. You'll need to visit a dentist anyway to have the tartar removed.

Avoid Losing Teeth

Neglecting your oral health by avoiding a dental cleaning could increase your risk of losing a tooth.

Remember, plaque and tartar can form over time. Both could increase your chances of developing gum disease. When left untreated, plaque can move into a tooth to destroy supporting bone tissues in the jaw. 

Maintain a full, stunning smile by visiting your dentist in Roseville, CA for routine cleanings. Otherwise, your tooth might fall out. 

Keep Your Breath Fresh

Improving your oral health can control the bacteria in your mouth. Otherwise, bacteria can cause bad breath. Whether you work from home or in an office, it's important to keep your breath odor-free.

If brushing twice a day isn't enough to keep bad breath at bay, look for a dental cleaning near me right away. 

Protect Your Gums

A dental cleaning can help improve the state of your gums as well. Otherwise, tartar could cause gum disease. Gum disease can cause a range of frustrating symptoms, including:

You might notice a change in how your teeth fit together when you bite and chew, too.

If these sound familiar, visit the best dentist in Roseville, CA right away. Otherwise, gum disease can lead to periodontal disease. You could compromise your overall health as a result. 

2. Save Money

If you neglect to schedule a routine dental cleaning, you could jeopardize your oral health. Neglecting your oral health can lead to complications. Remember, even neglecting to brush and floss can cause you to lose teeth in the future.

If you develop gum disease or start losing teeth, you'll need to consider more expensive treatment options.

For example, you might need to consider using a dental implant to replace a lost tooth. If you leave a gap between your teeth, other teeth will lean toward the space. Your teeth might begin to look crooked.

You might eventually need orthodontic treatment as a result.

One oral health issue can lead to another. Before that can happen, schedule a deep dental cleaning.

Routine cleanings can help your hygienist and dentist spot issues before they develop into bigger problems. Then, you can make improvements to your oral healthcare routine before complications develop. 

3. Improve Your Smile

Keeping your teeth healthy and clean can improve the appearance of your smile, too.

Otherwise, smoking, beverages, foods, and even your medication could cause discoloration. When left unattended, your teeth might begin to yellow. You might feel self-conscious in social settings as a result.

Schedule a cleaning with the best dentist in Roseville, CA. Let them know about your concerns. They could recommend treatment options to improve the appearance of your smile.

For example, you might want to consider a tooth whitening treatment. If there are gaps between your teeth, consider Invisalign or braces. A combination of treatments can improve your smile and get you grinning ear to ear. 

With routine appointments, you can keep your smile looking at its best year-round. 

The Benefits of Dental Cleaning: Visit Your Dentist in Roseville, CA Today

Don't forget to schedule a dental cleaning with your dentist in Roseville, CA. With routine appointments, you can maintain a stunning, clean smile. Keeping your smile clean can benefit your health down the road.

Meanwhile, you can feel more confident in your appearance and beautiful grin. 

Ready to improve the state of your smile? We can't wait to help.

Contact us to schedule your next appointment today.

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