Show Off Those Pearly Whites: How Smiling Affects Health
GKS Family Dentistry • November 17, 2021

Did you know that the time you spend smiling has a direct correlation with your health? Here are all of the surprising benefits of smiling.

benefits of smiling

People often say that it takes a single smile to change a person's entire day. If you've ever been on the receiving end of a person's infectious smile, you know that saying is true. There's something to be said about a single smile brightening a gloomy day, but a smile does more than improve your day. 

Did you know that a smile has been proven to be healthy for you? 

That's right: there are benefits of smiling that you may not be aware of. If you think this sounds too good to be true, it's time to look at some facts. These are things you may want to keep in mind the next time you're greeting someone. 

Smiles Are Great for the Heart

A Boost of Friendliness

It is common to underestimate the power of a smile. There aren't many people who actually take a moment to appreciate the sentiment. It takes more muscles in the face to smile than it does to frown after all. 

What you may not realize is that those pearly whites may mean a lot more than just a kind gesture. A smile can provide anxiety relief. It can reassure you that the person who's smiling is giving you a boost of confidence. 

A single smile can be a contagious action. It is something that others tend to replicate and reciprocate. One single smile can cause a domino effect of smiles lighting the room. 

The more people smile, the happier your surroundings are. If you think about it, you're helping those around you with their health when you smile. Add to other people's good mood with one simple action. 

One smile and you could be a step closer to that dream job. That smile could be the reason you meet the love of your life. There are endless possibilities on where a smile could lead you.

Build Personal Confidence

Showing off those pearly whites is more than just for physical health and a friendly chat. When you smile, you radiate confidence. It shows that you have pride in yourself and can take on almost anything. 

One of the exercises that many doctors use to help build your mental confidence is positive affirmations. These positive affirmations often include smiling at the mirror and building yourself up. A single smile can give you complete confidence. 

Radiate confidence with that bright white smile.

See a dentist in Roseville, CA who can help you find that confidence for everyday life. Your teeth are for more than just dental health. Smiling boosts your mental health as well.

Land that position you've had your eyes on for years. Take the stage and showcase just how much you enjoy what you do. Smiling is a great way to project how happy you are with what you're doing. 

A Nice, Long Life

Overall, smiles promote a nice, long life. With an increase in mental and physical health, smiling is beneficial in all areas. Those who smile radiate happiness.

Studies have shown that people who smile typically live longer. Their lives are brighter, and they're genuinely more pleasant to be around. The best part is that a dentist in Roseville, CA can help you to feel confident in your smile. 

Get ready to show off that big, bright smile to everyone in your life. Dental care can help you feel like smiling is right. Dental work is the beginning of getting that confidence and brightness back in your life.  

Remember That There Are Benefits of Smiling

These are just a couple of the benefits of smiling.

The act of smiling has plenty of health benefits for you as well as the people around you. Quirk those muscles into a natural smile that shows your friendly side. You're doing yourself a service by exercising those facial muscles. 

Smiling is a small gesture that goes a long way for your health and others. Make sure you have pride in your smile so that you don't have to hold back in life. For help with any dental issue, we're here to help you feel great about your smile. 

When you're ready to discuss any dental work you might need, we're only a click away. We'll be waiting for you when you're ready to boost your confidence. Come make your smile a little brighter.

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